22 Ekim 2009 Perşembe

midterm questions examples

Environmental Control Systems

Pınar ERDİL ARBAK erdilpinar@hotmail.com

1.______________ is a form of visual noise although _____________is an attractive brilliance.
Color temprature unit is _______________.
2.The _______________________ is the most important light-reflecting surface.
__________________ can have the pleasant effect of making the ceiling appear to float free from the wall.
3.Lumen is the unit of ____________________.
4.Luminous existance is the __________________ or___________________flux.
5._________________ gives the lightness ao the darkness of the color.
6.________________ gives the brightness or the dullness of the color.

1.How do we find the illumination level of a space?(10)
2.Compare efficacy between high-pressure sodium and incandescent lamp. (5)
3.What is illuminance? What is the unit and formula?(10)
4.What are the visual effects can be created when illuminating walls?(10)
5.What is the difference between wall washing and grazing light?(10)
6.What is the difference between valance and cornice lighting?(10)
7.What are the illumination methods for signages?(10)
8.Give 4 example to invisible rays. Compare their wavelenghts.(5)
9.Compare color temperature between daylight and sunlight.(5)
10.Compare color temperature between incandescent and fluorescent lamp.(5)

Environmental Control Systems

Pınar ERDİL ARBAK erdilpinar@hotmail.com


1.Binocular visual field profile extends vertically ______________degree and horizontally more than _________________degree when focused on a fixed object.
______________ is a form of visual noise although _____________is an attractive brilliance.
2.Color temprature unit is _______________.
3.The _______________________ is the most important light-reflecting surface.
4.The difference between artificial and electric lighting sources is artificial light contains____________ source.
5.___________________ is the quantity of light in one direction. The unit is______________.
6._________________ gives the lightness ao the darkness of the colors.


1.What are the characteristics of light sources? Explain ‘strength’.
2.What are the effects of lighting as a psycholgical comfort. Draw a room that the illumination helps to feel spacious.
3.Compare efficacy between high-pressure sodium and incandescent lamp.
4.What are the design strategies promote the effective use of sunlight?
5.What is the difference between wall washing and grazing light?
6.Write down at least 4 checklist for cornice lighting.
7.What are the illumination methods for signages?
8.Give 4 example to invisible rays. Compare their wavelenghts.
9.Compare color temperature between incandescent and fluorescent lamp.

Environmental Control Systems

Pınar ERDİL ARBAK erdilpinar@hotmail.com


1._______________ is not noticable during normal vision becouse of the frequency of the eye movements and becouse the view is seen by both eyes.
2.The illumination from point sources _______________ inversely with the square of the distance.
3.Electromagnetic spectrum is dealing with _______________of rays.
4.The _______________________ is the most important light-reflecting surface.
__________________ can have the pleasant effect of making the ceiling appear to float free from the wall.
5.___________________ is the quantity of light in one direction. The unit is______________.
6.Luminous existance is the __________________ or___________________flux.
7._________________ gives the brightness or the dullness of the color.


1.What are the effects of lighting as a psycholgical comfort. Draw a room that the illumination helps to feel spacious.
2.What are the common design strategies in sunlighting and daylighting? Explain.
3.Write down at least 4 checklist for downlighting.
4.What are the visual effects can be created when illuminating walls?
5.What is the difference between wall washing and grazing light?
6.Write down at least 4 checklist for cornice lighting.
7.What are the illumination methods for signages?
8.Compare color temperature between daylight and sunlight.
9.Give examples to lighting for specific purposes?

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